Finished and sent last gasp application against Romania to the European Court of Human Rights, on behalf of a transgender person complaining about the absence of adequate procedures for legal gender recognition and about being forced to undergo gender reassignment surgery. In Romania, transgender persons need to go to court to obtain documents that correctly identify their gender identity, but, with rules that are confusing and patchy, the procedure is a lottery - lengthy, arbitrary and humiliating. This presumably is the first transgender rights complaint against Romania at the ECtHR and others will follow.
Am expediat, pe ultima suta de metri inainte de sarbatori, o plangere impotriva Romaniei la CEDO privind lipsa unei proceduri adecvate pentru recunoasterea juridica a identitatii de gen precum si impotriva cerintei abuzive a efectuarii operatiei chirurgicale de reatribuire a sexului. In Romania, regulile in domeniu sunt confuze si lacunare, iar procedura in fata instantelor functioneaza ca o loterie - de lunga durata, traumatizanta si arbitrara. Aceasta este probabil prima plangere impotriva Romaniei la CEDO privind drepturile persoanelor transgender, altele probabil ca vor urma.